This potted herb, known as Mugwort (Artemesia Vulgaris) aka Wild Wormwood, is a fast-growing plant with herbaceous structure and medium watering requirements. It thrives in medium sun, full sun or partial shade. As a seedling, it has a well-rooted growth form and is packaged for delivery from the United Kingdom.As a fast growing plant, mugwort will reach great heights pretty quickly, and is quick to spread unless you pinch out the flowering heads.A great permaculture addition, mugwort is a dynamic accumulator so is good to use as a chop and drop to improve soils. It also makes a great border edge plant as it has amazing pest-repellant properties.The Mugwort herb is a good medicinal herb with a wide range of uses, including the leaves being made into a tea to help with lucid dreaming. It can open the door to the plant spirit world and lets unnecessary things fall away.
It can bring on menstruation as well as being a laxative if too much, so use in moderation.
Mugwort Plant (Artimesia Vulgaris)